Mrs. Josie Reynaud. M.Ed.

IT & Business Educator • Maple Mountain High School

About Mrs. Reynaud


Mrs. Reynaud is a Maple Mountain High School teacher who specializes in Information Technology and Business. Mrs. Reynaud offers the following courses at Maple Mountain High School

Mrs. Reynaud is a Concurrent Enrollment teacher and Adjunct professor for Utah Valley University. She offers courses in

Mrs. Reynaud also serves on the UVU Information Systems Advisory Board as the High School representative. She has received recognition as Utah's Outstanding Business Educator in 2010, SHHS Crystal Apple recipient in 2012, and Utah's IT Educator of the year in 2016.

Prior to her career at Maple Mountain High School, Mrs. Reynaud completed her student teaching at Kearns High School, taught 3 years at Independence High School, 6 years at Payson High School, and 10 years at Salem Hills High School.


Mrs. Reynaud attended Southern Utah University where she received a degree in Business Education/Computer Information Systems. In 2016, Mrs. Reynaud earned a Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Educational Technology


Mrs. Reynaud has earned the following endorsements:


  1. Technology
  2. Reading
  3. Scrapbooking
  4. Hiking
  5. Fishing
  6. Camping

UVU Course Descriptions

DGM 2120
Web Essentials (3.0 Credits) - Provides the fundamentals necessary to plan, design, develop, deploy, and critique a web site which includes images, sound, video, forms, and separates content from presentation. Focuses on the fundamentals of web programming languages. Examines various ways to build an accessible web page.
DGM 2740
Principles of Web Languages (3.0 Credits) - Prerequisites: DGM 2120 and DGM 2250. Focuses on solving various Web design and coding problems using current Internet technologies. Emphasizes solving unique coding problems using HTML, CSS, and jQuery that arise when implementing a Web design.
CS 1030
Foundations of Computer Science (3.0 Credits) - Introduces the basics of computing, including computer hardware, and programming concepts and language. Explores how computers work and how a computer may be programmed. Includes a brief history of computer, programming languages, and computer numbering systems. Presents basic programming constructs; students produce a variety of introductory level programs. Surveys various computing professions.
CS 1400
Fundamentals of Programming (3.0 Credits) - Prerequisites: CS 1030. Introduces techniques and tools to formulate and solve problems where computer algorithms and programs are a core part of an effective, repeatable solution. Demonstrates algorithmic thinking using procedural programs composed of sequences of commands, functions, loops, conditionals, and basic data structures.
IM 2600
Spreadsheet Applications (3.0 Credits) - Provides an extensive study and hands-on examination of practical business applications using electronic spreadsheets. Provides comprehensive coverage of features available in the current Windows version of spreadsheet software.

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